This is the international Contact improvisation festival.
1) To do the international cultural exchange and personal exchange,
2) To have the opportunity where many people can touch to CI
3) To keep raising the artistic character of CI at worldwide level
4) CI as training for professional dancers
5) The improvisation as the foundation, many arts of other genre such as music, the fine arts and photograph, research together and develop the collaboration.
6) Growing CI educators
The festival is open for everyone who is interested in moving, expressing physically, dancing, education, and CI etc.. We are looking for people come from all over the world.
Schedule & AccessFebruary 14 (Sat)~ March 1(Sun) , 2009
Program |
Price |
Useful InformationThe fee of Week1(Tokyo) does not include accommodation and food. Please help yourself to find to stay in Tokyo. These are some of cheap hotels near the studio, and tourism info. We do not arrange reservation. Thank you. |
Organizer: Executive Committee of CI Festival Japan Co-produced with Kanazawa Yuwaku Center for Crafts and Culture
Sponsorships: The SAISON Foundation ,Asian Cultural Council,
Partner: Morishita Studio, LUFTZUG, CI36